Worldview of Northern Peoples−Shamanism and Animism(October 13-15, 1995)


 Since the previous international conference held in 1991 (the results of which are released in book form as Circumpolar Religion and Ecology−An Anthropology of the North, University of Tokyo Press, 1994), the general understanding of the significance of northern cultures, especially of the dynamic interrelationships between religion and ecology, has been achieved.
 Thus, it is timely for us now to proceed in our inquiry of the theme of the Second International Conference of Northern Studies Association (ICNSA 2), “Animism and Shamanism in the North”. Shamanism and animism elsewhere have been described as one of the most significant characteristics of northern cultures, as was noted in the previous conference, but the subject remains the theme least analyzed specifically in its own right. The theme would include problems in the nature of animism and shamanism in the north, and of the relationships between them. Other aspects of culture, society and ecology also relate to the subject.
 So the purpose of the conference is twofold. One is the theoretical contribution to the study of animism and shamanism in a general anthropological framework. The other is the reassessment of the significance of circumpolar animism and shamanism, through comparison of various northern cultures. As each contributor presents a case study of a particular northern cultural group, the range of diversity and the similarity of circumpolar cultures will be demonstrated in the conference. Then, we hope that the conference will contribute to the understanding of human beings, through the study of various northern cultures and through international communication.

 The Organizing Committee of the conference consists of following people:
 Kazunobu Ikeya, National Museum of Ethnology
 Takashi Irimoto, Hokkaido University
 Nobuhiro Kishigami, Hokkaido University of Education
 Katsunosuke Namita, Hokkaido University
 Minoru Oshima, Otaru University of Commerce
 Takako Yamada, Hokkaido University

 The conference is hoped by Hokkaido University and supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.

Takashi Irimoto, Ph.D.
Conference Chair


October 13 (Friday)

09:00‐17:00 Registration: Sapporo Guest House
09:30‐10:00 Opening, Opening Address, Welcome Address

Session 1: Worldview, Science and Nature(10:00‐11:30)
ATUY, TOYOOKA Masanori (Akan Ainu Kotan)“Nature, Man and Music: Creation of “Third Philosophy” and “Living Together With Nature” Felt from the Soul of the Ainu”
MIKAMI, AKICHIKA (Kyoto University, Japan)“Possible Neurophysiological Basis of Visual, Auditory and Somatossensory Images Seen in the Shamanism”
11:30‐13:00 Lunch Break

Session 2: Animism and Shamanism in the Japanese and the Ainu(13:00‐15:00)
Chair:NAMITA, Katsunosuke, Hokkaido University, Japan
OBAYASHI, Taryo (Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples and Tokyo Women’s Christian University, Japan)“The Conception of the Soul Among the Ainu”
IRIMOTO, Takashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)“Ainu Shamanism: Oral Tradition, Spiritual Healers and Dramas”
SASAMORI, Takehusa (Hirosaki University, Japan)“Healing Arts of Itako”
IKEYA, Kazunobu (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan)Comment
15:00‐15:15 Coffee Break

Session 3: Animism and Shamanism in North American Indians(15:15‐17:45)
Chair: DERIHA, Koji, Historical Museum of Hokkaido, Japan
RIDINGTON, Robin (University of British Colombia, Canada)“Native American Animism and Shamanism: The Poetics of an Original “Catholic” Religion “
FEIT, Harvey (McMaster University, Canada)“Power in James Bay Cree Society: Shamans, Hunting Bosses and Contemporary Politics”
SMITH, David (University of Minnesota, USA)“Aspects of Chipewyan Ontology”
SHARP, Henry S. (Virginia University, USA)“Non-Directional Time and the Dene Life-Cycle”
OSTSUKA, Ryutaro (Tokyo University, Japan)Comment
18:30‐20:00 Opening Party

October 14 (Saturday)

09:00−17:00 Registration: Sapporo Guest House

Session 4: Animism and Shamanism in the Inuit/ Eskimos(09:00‐11:30)
Chair:OHE, Toshimi, Hokkai Gakuen University, Japan
KISHIGAMI, Nobuhiro (Hokkaido University of Education Hakodate, Japan)“Personal Names, Name Souls and Social Change Among Canadian Inuit: A Case Study of the Akulivik Inuit, Nunavik, Canada”
ARUTIUNOV, Sergei (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)“25 Centuries of Stability and Continuity in Shamanistic and Animistic Beliefs of Bering Strait Eskimos”
FIENUP=RIORDAN, Ann (Anchorage Museum of History and Art, USA)“The Human Senses in Yup’ik Iconography and Oral Tradition”
SAWADA, Masato (Yamaguchi University, Japan)Comment
11:30‐13:00 Lunch Break

Session 5: Animism and Shamanism in Northern Eurasian/ Siberian Peoples(13:00‐17:00) 
Chair: OHSHIMA, Minoru, Otaru University of Commerce, Japan
13:00‐15:00 Part 1
TANIMOTO, Kazuaki (Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo, Japan)“Voices of Human and Nature: Sound World of Animism and Shamanism”
HOPPAL, Mihaly (Ethnographic Institute, Hungary)“Animistic Mythology and Helping Spirits in Siberian Shamanism”
YAMADA, Takako (Hokkaido University, Japan)“The Concept of Universe and Spiritual Beings Among the Contemporary Yakut Shamans: The Revitalization of Animistic Belief and Shamanic Tradition”
PENTIKAINEN, Yuha (University of Helsinki, Finland and University of Trosmo, Norway)“Shamanism and Animism: The Values of Nature in the Mind of a Northern Man”

15:00‐15:30 Coffee Break/ Joint Session with Children’s Northern Studies Association

15:30‐17:00 Part 2
NACUNBUHE (University of Inner Mongolia, China)“Mongolian Shamanism”
KONAGAYA, Yuki (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan)“Mongolian Perspective of Animal Resources: The Analysis of Slaughtering Rites”
ZHUKOVSKAYA, Natalia (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)“Bugha-Noyon-Babay as an Image of a Mixed Shamanistic- Buddhist- Orthodox Christian Tradition Among the Buraytes of the Tunka District”

Session 6: General Discussion“Worldview, Animism and Shamanism of the Northern Peoples”(17:00‐17:30)
Chairs:NAMITA, Katsunosuke (Hokkaido University, Japan)
YAMADA, Takako (Hokkaido University, Japan)
IRIMOTO, Takashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
18:30‐20:00 Party

October 15 (Sunday)

Special Lecture “Animism and Shamanism in the North”(10:00‐12:30)(University Conference Hall, Hokkaido University)
ARUTIUNOV, Sergei (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
PENTIKAINEN, Yuha (University of Helsinki, Finland)
IRIMOTO, Takashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
12:30 Closing

14:00‐15:30 Tour of University Botanical Garden/ Museum
18:00‐19:30 Farewell Party

INDEX国際シンポジウム>Worldview of Northern Peoples−Shamanism and Animism

copyright © 2012 Takashi Irimoto